1 Dash of Orange Bitters (Gin Barrel Aged) Fee Brothers is a good brand
Barspoon Luxardo Maraschino (barspoon is equivalent to a conventional teaspoon) so you do not need to run out and get a barspoon. However, it is a nice addition to your wetbar.
Flavored Orange Twist.
Add the 2 oz. of Old Tom Gin in a mixing glass.
Add the 1 oz. of Sweet Vermouth to the mixing glass.
Add the of Orange Bitters to the mixing glass.
Add the Barspoon of Marschino.
Add cup of ice to mixing glass then use barspoon to stir ingredients.
Strain into Martini glass.
Carefully!! use a match to release the oils of the Orange twist.
Take Orange twist run around edge of glass and then add to drink.
Our creative bartender here is Julia Momose of The Willow, Julia knows how to make a drink! She has made several of our drinks. So scroll down to some of her other handy work.
Once all ingredients are added and stirred with ice, strain into cocktail glass.
Take a mint leaf and smack it to release oils then add to cocktail. (if you so choose take mint leaf and run it around the glass rim)
The brands listed are not necessary, they are the ones that Julia used. The name "La Joya Roja" is Red Jewel in Spanish. Our bartender, Julia Momose from The Willow created this jewel, pun intended. If you get a chance to get to Baltimore,MD visit The Willow and have Julia make some of her creations.
Equal parts water to honey. You could do 2 to 1 honey water. But equal parts make it easier to pour.
I.E. 1 cup of hot water (almost boiling) water to 1 cup of honey. Preferably clover honey, since it adds a nice taste.
Drink Preparation:
Add the honey then the water then stir until it combines well.
Add only only one or two drops of Jasmine.
This can be done with any other flavors Orange water, Rose water, and Lavender water. Our bartender for this video was once again Julia Momose at The Willow.